What up fellas, it's that time of the year!! Back to school Ya'll already know, high school isn’t just about showing up—it's about showing out. If your child wants to crush it and be a standout student, they need more than just good grades. They need these  top five must-haves to level up their high school game.

Photo by Photo by Tamarcus Brown 

1. Master Your Time

We all know juggling classes, sports, and a social life can be crazy, but learning to manage your time is the secret sauce to getting it all done. Use a planner, set some priorities, and stick to a schedule. Trust me, this is how you stay on top of your game without burning out.

2. Get Your Study Game Right

Smart studying isn’t about cramming—it's about strategy. Find a chill spot to hit the books, break your work into chunks, and use techniques like flashcards, teaching friends, or practice tests. Consistent, smart study habits are the cheat code to acing those exams.

Photo by Annie Spratt 

3. Communicate Like a Boss

Whether you’re giving a presentation or just talking to your teachers, solid communication skills are a game-changer. Knowing how to express yourself clearly, ask for help, and hold a conversation will get you far—not just in school, but in life.

4. Build Your Crew

You need a solid squad behind you—friends, family, or mentors who hype you up and have your back. A strong support system can keep you motivated, lift you up when you’re down, and help you stay focused on your goals when things get tough.

Photo By Sports X Sports

5. Adopt a Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset means believing you can improve through hard work and dedication. It’s about seeing challenges as chances to learn, not as failures. With this mindset, you'll bounce back from setbacks, stay curious, and keep grinding toward success.


To crush high school, your teen got to have the right essentials. By mastering their time, sharpening their study skills, communicating like a pro, surrounding themself with a solid support crew, and rocking a growth mindset, they setting themselves  up to not just survive, but thrive. High school success is in their hands. Now go get it!

By Danny Reyes